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Cambio Books

2833 Smith Ave. Suite 316 Baltimore, MD 21209

We value your continued engagement and are committed to fostering a thriving community of meditation enthusiasts. To ensure that you remain informed about the latest insights, resources, and practices, we invite you to subscribe to our newsletter. By doing so, you will receive regular updates including  articles from the author, tips, and upcoming events related to meditation and mindfulness.

In addition to our newsletter, we encourage you to follow us on our social media platforms. Engage with the author and a community of like-minded individuals, share your experiences, and stay informed about new developments in the realm of meditation and mindfulness. Our social media channels provide a space for discussions, support, and the exchange of ideas, allowing you to stay connected with the author and fellow enthusiasts.

Your commitment to personal growth and well-being is integral to our community, and we are dedicated to providing you with valuable content and opportunities for continued learning. We look forward to keeping you informed, inspired, and engaged on your journey towards mindfulness and inner peace.

Thank you for being an integral part of our community, and I am excited to embark on this meditation journey together.

Monday Monthly Mindful Series

The Monthly Mindful Monday Series provides individuals with the opportunity to incorporate mindfulness into their lives through virtual sessions held on the first Monday of each month. The series is dedicated to promoting self-care and wellness, while advocating for mindfulness in both community and professional settings.

Participants can expect a wide range of practices suitable for individuals of all experience levels, designed to strengthen the mind-body connection, maintain focus, detach thoughts from emotions, and alleviate burnout. This series offers a valuable chance to start the month by cultivating a peaceful mindset and embracing the present moment. Additionally, the sessions welcome both beginners and experienced meditators.

We take pride in featuring experts in mindfulness, breathwork, fitness, health, and wellness, ensuring a rewarding and enlightening experience for all participants. 

Below are the dates and time for the Monday Monthly Mindful Series:

Feb 5
Monday Monthly Mindful Series
7 – 8pm ESTZoom
Mar 4
Monday Monthly Mindful Series
7 – 8pm ESTZoom
Apr 1
Monday Monthly Mindful Series
7 – 8pm ESTZoom
May 6
Monday Monthly Mindful Series
7 – 8pm ESTZoom
Jun 3
Monday Monthly Mindful Series
7 – 8pm ESTZoom
Aug 5
Monday Monthly Mindful Series
7 – 8pm ESTZoom
Sept 2
Monday Monthly Mindful Series
7 – 8pm ESTZoom
Oct 7
Monday Monthly Mindful Series
7 – 8pm ESTZoom
Nov 4
Monday Monthly Mindful Series
7 – 8pm ESTZoom
Dec 2
Monday Monthly Mindful Series
7 – 8pm ESTZoom